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Lighting The Lodge That Gives

di Canadian Cancer Society – Société canadienne du cancer

This holiday season, we will shine brighter than cancer. By lighting up the Lodge That Gives, we will create awareness of our "home away from home" and inspire hope and support for those facing a cancer diagnosis in our communities.

By sponsoring a light for just $100, you will cover the cost of a one-night stay at the Dr. Susan K. Roberts Lodge That Gives in Halifax. Your gift will relieve the financial burden of someone traveling for cancer treatment and provide comfortable accommodations,
home-cooked meals and support services so they can focus on healing.

No one should have to go through cancer alone, but for some patients, the lifesaving treatments they require are outside of their community and away from friends and family. The Dr. Susan K. Roberts LodgeThat Gives in Halifax not only provides affordable accommodation but is a welcoming home away from home for people with cancer. We help meet people's practical needs during cancer treatment and also offer comfort through social and emotional support through various programs and activities.

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