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Aiming Higher

par The UN Refugee Agency ( UNHCR CANADA / HCR CANADA)

UNHCR has launched Aiming Higher, a campaign to bridge the education gap and change futures by funding scholarships for refugee students. You can help fund future students by making a donation to Aiming Higher today.

Currently there is a huge education gap for those who have been forcibly displaced, with only 5% of refugees enrolled in higher education. Access to higher education is a vital resource, leading to employment and self-reliance. Higher Education not only helps scholars thrive but also their whole community.

Aiming Higher builds on UNHCR’s Refugee Scholarship Program (DAFI), the longest-running and largest standalone higher education scholarship program for refugees. Right now, there are refugee scholarship recipients studying in 53 countries. Over its 28-year history, more than 18,500 young refugee women and men have been supported to pursue their undergraduate degrees.

Your support can help fund a scholarship and ensure a refugee can follow their dream and achieve their goal.

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