Projet de la cause
Transportation Program (Wheels of Hope)
par Canadian Cancer Society – Société canadienne du cancerImagine facing the devastation of a cancer diagnosis. Now imagine having to worry about how you will get to and from treatment. The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) understands that navigating and planning your treatment journey is difficult, especially if you are also dealing with physical or financial challenges or if the treatment centre is far from home. At CCS, we offer transportation support for those who are currently attending cancer treatments.
Your support and donations will help to provide families rides to and from their cancer treatments.
Want to learn more about the Wheels of Hope program and how CCS can best support your needs? For more information, please contact the Wheels of Hope program at 1-888-939-3333.

Comment fonctionnent les dons
Cliquez sur le bouton « Faire un don maintenant », puis décidez du montant de votre don. Vous serez alors dirigé vers le traitement de paiement de votre choix. Une fois votre don traité, il sera envoyé à l’organisme caritatif de votre choix.
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Consultez la liste des questions fréquemment posées ou contactez le support.